বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Avinode Business Intelligence Unveils Market Forecast at NBAA2012

Avinode Business Intelligence Unveils
Market Forecast at NBAA2012

October 30th, 2012

MIAMI, FL ? OCTOBER 30, 2012

Avinode forecasts a 0.1% decrease in business jet activity for the United States in?2013. When that forecast is broken down on a regional level, it reveals that some regions will fare better than others.

The?South and West, with their seasons targeted to entertainment and discretionary travel, are expected to experience 0.4%?and 1.3% growth respectively. ?The more business-travel focused Northeast and Midwest continue to struggle,? says?Magnus Henriksson, Business Unit Director, Avinode Business Intelligence. These regions should see a 1.2% traffic?decline in the Northeast and 3.9% decline in the Midwest.

For Europe Avinode forecasts a 3.2% decline in business jet activity during 2013. As in the United States, Europe sees?substantial seasonal variation between its Northern and Southern regions resulting from the differences in traffic drivers for?the two regions. Avinode projects that the European South, which is mainly driven by leisure travel, will experience a 4.3%?decline in traffic in 2013. Northern European traffic, which is mainly composed of business travel, however, will see a?decline of only 1.3% year-over-year.

Projected Category Differences
Over the last few years, the light jet (LJ) category has experienced a fairly negative trend in terms of actual flights. Avinode?predicts that this trend will continue in 2013 with December 2013 year-over-year numbers down 2.2%. The entry level jet?(ELJ) category appears to be stealing flights from the LJs as evidenced by a continuously positive trend for the category.?Since January 2009, ELJs have gone from performing 6% of all U.S. flights to 9%.

Avinode expects this trend to continue?and that ELJ will have increased to a
10% market share by the end of 2013, with a year-over-year growth of 4.4%. The?midsize jet category is currently the second largest in the U.S. and is projected to grow by 0.1% next year. Meanwhile,?year-over-year projections show the heavy jet category down 1.7%, super midsize up 0.3% and super lights up 1.6%.

The trend in Europe shares similarities with the United States, but is far more aggressive. Europe is experiencing a?downgrade trend, with heavy jets and super midsize categories the most affected. The decreases in the heavy and super?midsize categories have resulted in increases in the mid and super light categories. Meanwhile, ultra long range jets?continue their positive growth trend, seemingly unaffected by the overall trends in the market.

U.S. Forecasts for 2013?
Entry Level Jets: +4.4%
Light Jets: -2.2%
Super Light Jets: +1.6%
Midsize Jets: +0.1%
Super Midsize Jets: +0.3%
Heavy Jets: -1.7%
Ultra Long Range Jets: +2.4%

European Forecasts for 2013
Entry Level Jets: +0.3%
Light Jets: -8.0%
Super Light Jets: +0.4%
Midsize Jets: -2.2%
Super Midsize Jets: -9.1%
Heavy Jets: -5.3%
Ultra Long Range Jets: +8.3%

About Avinode
The Avinode Marketplace is the world?s leading tool for buying and selling air charter online. Over 6,000 aviation?professionals use Avinode daily to buy and sell charter flights worldwide. More than 3,000 aircraft are currently listed in the?marketplace, which features online quoting, availability reports, integrated scheduling, empty leg reports, and safety data.

Avinode also provides up-to-the-minute market data and trend reports for the business aviation market through Avinode?Business Intelligence. Stay on top of market trends with Avinode?s weekly Business Intelligence newsletter, featuring trip?demand, availability, and pricing indexes as well as popularity reports for the most requested aircraft models, most?frequented airports and the most traveled routes. In addition, Avinode BI offers custom reports, tailored to fit your personal?data requirements.

Corporate headquarters is in Gothenburg, Sweden with two sales offices in the Americas, Avinode Inc., in Miami, Florida,?USA and Avinode Latin America in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Source: http://www.avinode.com/avinode-business-intelligence-unveils-market-forecast-at-nbaa2012/

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Scientists Move Closer To a Universal Flu Vaccine

So could we kill off all the 'typical' flu viruses allowing the evolution of something more aggressive?

Probably not inconceivable; but there are a couple of points to consider: TFA mentions targeting structures that are 'highly conserved' between different virus subtypes. Typically(and I am not a molecular biologist, so feel free to cringe and/or correct me) the fact that a structure is 'highly conserved' between genetically distinct populations means that it is extremely important for some reason. Mutations happen(and very, very fast in influenza), so regions that aren't life-critical can diverge significantly over time. Life-critical regions, on the other hand, do experience mutations; but most of the mutants die. The degree of conservation across genetic lineages that diverged at a known period in the past can tell you a lot about how important that area is, even if you don't yet know exactly what it does.

Second, while this also doesn't preclude a really nasty bug, it is important to remember that diseases aren't little agents playing Pandemic 2 and trying for a high score. Killing your host can be a viable strategy, if you gain enough from doing so; but (in the very weak sense that mindless evolving virues can even have 'goals') the 'goal' isn't body count, it's survival and reproduction. Very high mortality is frequently counterproductive, because hosts die faster than the disease can spread to new ones. In broad strokes, high mortality tends to occur when a novel pathogen shows up for the first time; but ends up being selected against over time(see the classic attempt to use Myxoma virus against feral rabbits in Australia).

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/yr24FQFJwf8/scientists-move-closer-to-a-universal-flu-vaccine

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PFT: McKinnie denies spending $375K at strip clubs

Indianapolis Colts v Tennessee TitansGetty Images

Titans tight end Jared Cook may want a trade, but that doesn?t mean he?s going to get one.

Titans coach Mike Munchak said he?s not interested in moving Cook, who he sees as part of the team?s plans.

?I am not going to comment on that. That is not my decision to make, but I don?t see that happening, no,? Munchak said, via Jim Wyatt of the Tennessean. ?I don?t see why we would do that. I don?t follow that. The agent is calling to stir the pot. This is not the time for those things.

?Jared is a big part of our team. Jared has made a lot of great catches for us this year. Jared?s our [third] leading receiver. We know for us to win games we need him making plays for us, so for me it?s not something I?ve thought about at all, so I am hoping it is not on his mind either.?

What may be on his mind, and the mind of his agent, is that he?s entering the final year of his rookie deal, and it?s time to get paid.

But playing time is also a factor, as Cook has been on the field for fewer than 50 percent of the Titans offensive snaps in six of eight games, including two he was limited in because of a shoulder injury.

Munchak said they want to get him more involved, which could help smooth things over.

?We are all frustrated. I am frustrated, too. I hope everyone is frustrated. I hope we all think we can do more, because we all can do more, every one of us, the coaching staff on down. We?re 3-5, and that?s not good enough. And that includes every one of us,? Munchak said. ?Frustration means work your way through it and let?s find a way to turn this around and get to 5-5, that is where the frustration should be used.?

Cook has 28 catches for 373 yards and two touchdowns, a similar pace to last year?s 49-759-3 line. Since the beginning of 2011, only Rob Gronkowski has more receiving yards by a tight end.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/30/bryant-mckinnie-denies-running-up-375000-in-strip-club-bills/related/

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সোমবার, ২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Managing the Cost of Homeschool Programs - Home for School

Home schooling is now, more than ever, being considered as a viable alternative to traditional schooling. The reasons for which are diverse ranging from cultural/religious beliefs to economic matters.

The notion that home schooling is much less expensive than sending your child to an educational institution is prevalent, but not necessarily true. Pound for pound, while a home school education is less costly than a private school, it will likely be more expensive than a public school.

Starting out
For one thing, if you?re just beginning with home schooling (and if you don?t have a teaching background), it is recommended that you subscribe to an independent study program or buy a boxed curriculum suited to your child?s skill level. While these may cost, these will guide your first few attempts at home schooling and help eliminate the trial-and-error process in finding out how to run your home school just right. These services and products range from a low of $300 to a high of $1,500 depending on the program.

Direct costs
However, the costs do not end there. You will need to supplement the program with textbooks as well as workbooks. Up-to-date reference materials are also needed such as an encyclopedia CD-ROM and Internet access. These will require purchases and subscriptions as well.

It will do your child much good to provide proper furniture and fixtures for studying. Getting them a proper study table, a comfortable chair and adequate lighting will show positive results in the child?s attitude towards learning. A computer to aid in their research and homework is also essential.

It is also possible that you may have to avail of tutorial services to cover subjects that you may have difficulty in teaching yourself. These can be done on a per course/per subject basis which may help reduce costs, but not by much. For example, a one-on-one advanced history class for high school students can cost about $300.

To provide a well-rounded education for your child, you will also need to include non-academic activities as well. This may mean music, sport or art lessons and perhaps even planned educational trips to museums and galleries, theaters, and nature parks.

Opportunity costs
These are the direct costs of running a home school program but in calculating the total cost for running a home school, you may also need to consider certain indirect costs.

A study on families on home study programs noted that on average, the parent conducting the home school is the mother, who holds a college degree. It has been calculated that her staying at home, instead of working, costs the family an estimated $38,000 every year - money that could have possibly been used to address the family?s other pending needs.

Helping defray the costs
But before you get fully discouraged with the idea of home schooling, there are ways to reduce the expenses. One way is to participate in support groups for home schooling families.

This affords you a great opportunity to share resources with similar families saving you the need to buy an entire set of materials for your child. Joining groups like these allow you to borrow or swap things like textbooks, boxed curricula or reference materials. An added plus to joining home school family groups in your area is giving your child the opportunity to interact with kids just like him/her who are home schooled as well.

Depending on where you live, some states allow home-schooled children access to public school resources and some local virtual charter schools provide teaching materials for little to no cost. Some will even offer annual stipends to pay for activities like piano lessons. Taking the time to know what assistance you can avail of to help subsidize the costs will more than pay for the effort you made to do so.

Some money-saving tips
It helps to know that if you have other children, the costs of home schooling can be reduced with each child since the materials may be reused or renewed for a much lower cost.

Take the time to explore your public library and use what they have to offer. They?ll be more than happy to see you visit as frequently as every week. This greatly reduces the need to buy books every time and on occasion allows you access to newly published ones that would otherwise be expensive.

Visit yard sales, book sales or swap meets whenever you can. You may just find that perfect study table, teaching aids or that hard-to-find textbook for a fraction of the cost of buying it from a store.

When considering the costs of something as important as your child?s education, it is best to think of them as investments rather than as mere expenses. When managed properly, what money you have can go so much farther than the actual costs as you give him/her a memorable childhood of learning and discovering ? with you at their side.

Source: http://homeforschool.blogspot.com/2012/10/managing-cost-of-homeschool-programs.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Pacific.scoop.co.nz ? BNZ to Host Samoa Business Network ...

Press Release ? BNZ

After the great success of the inaugural Samoa Business Networking evening, BNZ Manukau is hosting the second networking evening on Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 6.00pm.

Press release

26th October, 2012

BNZ to Host Fledgling Samoa Business Network Second Networking Evening

After the great success of the inaugural Samoa Business Networking evening, BNZ Manukau is hosting the second networking evening on Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 6.00pm.

Spokesman for Samoanz Limited and one of the main movers of this initiative, Rasmus Pereira, is excited about the growing awareness of the fledgling Samoa Business Network and BNZ Manukau?s continuing support for such an initiative, ?The last networking evening could not have happened without Laura Keil-Hall and her team at BNZ Manukau agreeing to host the event?, he said ?BNZ Manukau?s continuing support is exciting for the Samoa Business Network because it sends a message to the fledgling Samoan business community that they have a stake in the economy of not only South Auckland but the wider Auckland region and the country at large?

The Samoa Business Network is delighted to confirm that exciting new author of the Telesa Trilogy books series, Lani Wendt Young, will be the key note speaker. She follows on from the great success of Stella Muller, the mastermind behind Hot Samoan Boys Chilli sauce in the first networking evening, who talked about making use of unconventional marketing opportunities. Lani will be talking on the effect of social media in business.

Lani was born and raised in Samoa and was a High School English Literature teacher for 7 years. However, her underlying passion was writing. In 2009, she was commissioned by Hans Joachim Keil to research and write the narrative fiction book ?Pacific Tsunami: Galu Afi?. All profits of the book went towards assisting tsunami survivors. She turned to full time writing in 2010, and soon after her collection of short stories ?Sleepless in Samoa? won the USP Press Fiction Award in 2011. She wrote stories for children that are used in primary school reading programs. In October 2011, she launched the first book of the highly successful Telesa trilogy of urban fantasy novels, ?Telesa: the Covenant Keeper?. In July 2012, the second book in the series was launched, ?Telesa: When Water Burns?.

Samoa Business Network Evening:

Keynote Speaker: Lani Wendt Young on Social Media in business

Date: Wednesday 31ST October 2012.

Time: 6.00pm-8.00pm

Venue: BNZ Manukau (opposite McDonalds) ? 639 Great South Road, Manukau

Prizes to be won for your business:

1. 30 second animated advertisement by Bluwave Pasifika

2. Quarter page advertisement with NZ Pacific newspaper (a subsidiary of Samoa Observer Group)
To register for this event:

Rasmus Pereira ? ras@shopsamoa.com or (021) 516 1125

Laura Keil-Hall ? laura_Keil-Hall@bnz.co.nz or (021) 828 977

Content Sourced from scoop.co.nz
Original url

Source: http://pacific.scoop.co.nz/2012/10/bnz-to-host-samoa-business-network-networking-evening/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Insight: Bomb blast brings Lebanon's party capital to juddering halt

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Luxury yachts line the glitzy seafront marina of Beirut's Zaytouneh Bay where owners would sip champagne at sunset before stepping out for dinner - spoilt for choice between going Italian at Signor Sassi or French at Cro Magnon.

Across the street, the Whisky Mist night club at the Intercontinental Phoenicia Hotel would normally be swinging with Beiruti night clubbers. Gulf Arabs would head for the oriental Awtar night club at the Monroe Hotel for a belly dancing show.

The real estate market, meanwhile, defies not just the laws of economics but geopolitical gravity. "How people can ask for $100,000 in rent when the country is on the edge of the abyss I find extraordinary," said Michael Karam, a wine writer.

Lebanon would seem to have it all: a cosmopolitan society, beach resorts, mountains, friendly weather, good food and wine, and buzzing bars.

The party capital of the Arab world, Beirut is a freewheeling city where Gulf Arabs, expatriates and Lebanese ?migr?s fly in to enjoy its luxury hotels. But under the veneer of modernity lie sectarian demons coiled to strike.

The car-bomb assassination last Friday of intelligence chief Wissam al-Hassan - an attack almost universally blamed on Syria and its local allies - brought the merry-go-round to a juddering halt.

Gunmen and protesters filled the streets, reflecting the antagonisms fuelling the conflict in next-door Syria and reviving memories of the sectarian hatreds that sunk Lebanon into its 1975-90 civil war, a conflict whose wounds have far from healed.

It is not just the sectarian poison - reflecting the regional struggle between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims and, in Lebanon, the Christians split into alliances with both sides - but the shocking social contrasts that lie beneath the surface.


Not far from the glamour of the Beirut seafront lie shanty towns where destitute people fight for daily survival.

Two apartments in the gleaming skyscrapers overlooking Zaytouneh Bay sold only a few months ago for $18 million and $14 million. Apartments for rent were non-negotiable a month ago at a price of $100,000. Real estate agents claimed demand was high from rich Syrians fleeing the conflict at home, but now they admit they may not see such fat deals for some time.

"There are many Lebanons. We live in a true disconnect. This place is on a respirator. We live in a bubble within the bubble," said Maria, 47, an interior designer who left Lebanon aged 9 and returned after 17 years abroad.

Even before last Friday's blast, the spillover from Syria had started to have a knock-on effect in Lebanon.

Security was deteriorating as the rule of law crumbled. Bank robberies and kidnappings for ransom picked up and sectarian rumblings between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims heightened as Lebanon's main Muslim factions lined up with the opposing sides of the Syrian conflict.

Tourists who come for the Roman ruins stayed away this year, leaving frightened Lebanese to contemplate another round of sectarian strife.

The Christian-Muslim bigotry that triggered Lebanon's own war is now buried within the overarching Sunni-Shi'ite struggle convulsing the region. The battle lines in Syria are drawn between the heterodox Shi'ite Alawite minority underpinning Bashar al-Assad and the rebellious Sunni majority, with minorities such as Christians and Druze caught in the crossfire.

Like other Lebanese, Karam has had enough. He will leave the country in which he married, had children and lived through three wars and a popular revolution.

"What prompted me to say this summer that it is time to go is the fact that Syria is in crisis. I am not for one second one of those people who say the Assad regime has to stay, No, but I think while Syria is in crisis Lebanon will be in a more dangerous situation," he said.


Karam moved to Lebanon from London in 1992, two years after the war ended and the rebuilding of Beirut by former premier Rafik al-Hariri, a billionaire construction tycoon, started.

The first tremor under this resurrected Beirut shook the city in 2005, when Hariri was killed by a massive bomb. The attack was blamed on Syria and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah.

"Now my kids are 15 and 14. They want to go out and I don't want them going out because I don't want to worry every time they go out," said Karam.

Maria, the interior designer, has already sent her two sons to school abroad. A Sunni Muslim with Shi'ite kids, she said sectarianism was embedded in Lebanese life and she did not want her children to subscribe to this culture.

"For me it is a personal choice but for them they have no place in this society. They don't subscribe to the grammar of this place," said Maria.

Beirutis are in a state of shock at the renewed violence, which is reviving memories of the civil war which claimed more than 150,000 lives.


Like many others Karam believes that unless the Lebanese rebuild a state not based on religion, tackle the security vacuum and revive the comatose economy, the country will lurch from periods of growth and prosperity to periods of instability.

Syria is the epicenter at the moment. Sectarian hostility is on the rise across the region. It began in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein, a Sunni Muslim, and the takeover of power by majority Shi'ites. This shift in the balance of power reinforced the influence of Shi'ite Iran and revived historic tensions in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Lebanon and Syria.

That ugly side was on display last week after the car bomb that killed Hassan, a Sunni Muslim opposed to the Syrian leadership.

In Sunni neighborhoods, gunmen set up roadblocks of burning tires, stopping passers-by and asking whether they were Sunni or Shi'ite - a chilling throwback to the civil war.

A Reuters cameraman was asked about his religion. Despite confirming he was Sunni he was prevented from filming because he was told he had a "Shi'ite beard".

Sectarian anger boiled over, with protesters chanting slogans insulting Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. "The blood of Sunnis is boiling," they said.

Yet despite all its troubles, there is a resilience to Beirutis, whose city could scarcely have survived without it.

"Beirut has tremendous energy, it is a city that picks itself up in few hours. It is like a very ugly woman with lots of charm and lots of character, extremely imperfect," said Maria.

"As imperfect as it is with all these people trying to live together, for better or for worse, they attempt to," she said.

(Editing by Giles Elgood)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/insight-bomb-blast-brings-lebanons-party-capital-juddering-153836105.html

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7 Winter Home Improvement Tips to Save You Money and Energy In ...


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This year?s record breaking summer high temperatures and general worrisome warming trend don?t necessarily mean that the coming winter will be a walk in the park. Before the cold weather strikes, get your home buttoned up and ready for it with our expert hands-on game plan, which?will not only make your home more comfortable and energy efficient, but save you some?money?while you?re at it. From big changes that will knock hundreds of dollars off your energy bill to smaller ones that need just?a bit of elbow grease and a few materials from your local hardware store, we?ll show you what you need to get the job done! So no matter if you rent or own your house, check out these 7 handy tips that we promise will make a real difference in keeping you warm and your energy bill manageable this winter.

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TIP 1: Get an Energy Audit

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, we should mention that the best way to get your home operating at its maximum efficiency is to hire a professional?BPI certified?energy rater to evaluate your spaces. This person will conduct what?s called an ?energy audit? and he or she will test your home for energy losses and safety issues, and generate a detailed report highlighting what your home?s issues are. With a report in hand you can easily?target and prioritize exactly what you need to do, and what you can afford to do.

If you can?t afford an energy audit, you can start to identify and remedy some problem areas on your own with the help of an infrared?thermometer, like the?Ryobi Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer. This handy gun allows you to safely measure surface temperatures and pinpoint spots where your home is experiencing air leaks or missing insulation. As energy efficiency expert David Johnson says, ?Air leaks account for 25-30% of an average?energy?bill, and this is one of the most profound steps that you can make for the betterment of your home?s comfort and reducing the amount of your monthly bill.?

Our tips ahead will address common problem areas seen in all types of homes, and they will offer solutions to problems that can be?easily?fixed, often without calling on help from a professional.

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TIP 2: Seal Your Walls

The mantra in green construction is: ?seal it tight, ventilate right?. The sealing part is about getting a handle on all the places where air penetrates?through?the wall and causes drafts and fluctuations to the temperature inside your home. A simple tube of high quality caulk and a plan to tackle all those problem areas can go a long way if you know where to look (hint: grab your infrared thermometer).

What keeps the outside air out of your home is typically the interior walls (or drywall), but you?ll find many holes that have been cut out of these walls to install your plugs and switches. If you have ever removed the face-plates of ?these plugs and switches during cold weather, you?ll have probably noticed some cold air pouring out. Reduce this leakage by using caulk to seal around the the area where the electric box meets the drywall.?If you?re comfortable working around electricity, head to the breaker, turn it off, then test the outlets to make sure they are really off. Once off, you can then pull them out of the box and begin to seal up all the little holes in the back of the box, including where the wires come through.

Energy Audit, Energy star, How to weatherize, air sealing, winterize your home, products to save energy,

TIP 3: Seal Your Home?s Can Lights

Other?notorious?culprits that contribute to air leaks are recessed lights found in the ceiling.?Many old can lights are actually vented on purpose to keep from being overheated by the lightbulb (they are called non-IC or non-insulation contact rated cans).?Because warm air rises, an unsealed can light below a roof is a big problem.?It?s a good idea is to remove the existing ring of this can and seal the can?s perimeter with caulk. The inside of the can should be sealed with either caulk or aluminum tape to keep your home?s warm air from escaping into the attic.

It?s very important that you not?put an incandescent bulb in the can. Instead, opt for something like a Cree LED recessed light?? this light is?dimmable, super-efficient and does not build up heat. Moreover, if you have a non-IC rated can, it?s a really good idea to put a note inside to not use incandescent lights in the future. An overheated fixture has the potential to cause serious problems. If you can?t give up your?incandescent, another approach is to go into the attic, install and seal a box made from drywall around the light, and then insulate from above. This has the added?benefit?of improving you r-value,?or insulating effectiveness.

Energy Audit, Energy star, How to weatherize, air sealing, winterize your home, products to save energy,

TIP 4: Look For Insulation Gaps

Anywhere you have something that penetrates the wall, there is bound to be an air leak. Check out the outside faucets, air vents and plumbing for large gaps where air can escape. Seal the penetrations with expanding foam so that every nook and cranny?is filled. Be careful to never seal next to a gas flue or you will have a fire hazard on your hands.

Once that is done, if you are ready to get dirty, check out where the foundation meets the house and crawlspace and fill those little forgotten cracks ? note areas where you see even the slightest bit of daylight passing through. There is even an expanding foam for the big holes?and a fire block version for holes between floors or for sealing electrical boxes. We also?recommend?practicing on a?scrap surface to see how the foam works. Remember to wear gloves when using the foam ? this stuff is really sticky before it sets!

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While expanding foam is ideal when dealing with air leaks, spray-and-go won?t always work with those extra big gaps. In spots that need an extra bit of air-stopping artillery, we recommend rolling out some insulation. But before grab for that pink stuff on the shelf ? a.k.a. fiberglass insulation ? we recommend that you consider using?Ultratouch denim insulation?instead. Unlike its counterpart, Ultratouch?is made from high-quality natural fibers (80% of which are post-consumer recycled)?that provide for extremely effective sound absorption and good thermal performance. You also won?t have to worry about getting the ?fiberglass itch??with the denim insulation; it is easy to handle and work with ? but we still?recommend?using a mask.?The perforated batts make off-size cavity installation easy. Simply measure, tear, carefully fit and cover with an air tight?barrier?and you are good to go.

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TIP 5: Check and Tune-up Your Heating System

Before the start of the cold season, it?s not a bad idea to tune up your furnace. 30% of an average?home?s energy costs?are?related to heating, and this number can spike further if you have inefficiencies with your furnace or boiler system. The first place to start is by replacing the filter at the beginning of the season and every couple of months while you run the furnace.?When purchasing a new filter, note that the cheap ones are made just to protect the furnace fan motor, so make sure to get a more?efficient and healthy pleated filter?for improved air quality.

A tune-up is a good way to cut down on energy, prevent carbon monoxide leaks, and keep the air inside your home safe and healthy for you and your family.?A tune-up should be a top priority, especially given that your furnace or boiler system will be running at full blast for months to come ? you don?t want it to give out right when you need it the most!?While the cost of a tune-up may at first glance seem like an unnecessary expenditure, keep in mind that small problems can easily turn into much larger, expensive replacements down the road. A?new furnace is a substantial financial investment ? regular maintenance postpones its replacement.

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Image:?Early morning frosty winter view through a window via Shutterstock

TIP 6: Check Your Windows

Windows that are unsuited for a home?s local climate can be a big contributor to inefficiency. If you live in an area that gets especially cold in the winter, investing in windows with insulated glass that?s double-paned or even triple-paned has the potential to transform the comfort of your home and your energy bill.

There are three main types of windows that are available on the market today and they include single-pane, double-pane, and super-triple-pane windows. Single- and double- pane windows are common in older houses, but windows in newer homes are commonly treated with?Low-emittance (low-E) coatings (this can include both super windows and double pane windows). Low-E?coatings?are microscopically thin, virtually invisible, metal or metallic oxide layers deposited on a window to suppress radiative heat flow. The coating keeps?radiant heat on the same side of the glass from which it originated, all while letting visible light pass ? which means in the winter heat is reflected in, and in the summer heat is reflected out.?Different types of Low-E?coatings have been designed to allow for high solar gain, moderate solar gain, or low solar gain, and their application will depend on what region your home is located.

Super windows are a more recent development that feature a third pane of treated glass, and in some cases?boast a krypton/argon/air gas mix?in between the panes. When it comes to thermal?performance, these windows are second to none and they can reduce your energy bill by?hundreds of dollars. The choices can be daunting when selecting new windows and payback long, so make sure to do?diligent?research?and ?tune? your windows to take advantage of solar heat.

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While?new windows?would be great for everyone, we understand that they are a hefty investment that require a lot of?technical?analysis from a skilled professional. Moreover,?new windows can often be just marginally more efficient than old ones (compared to your wall?s r-value for instance).?Energy?efficiency?is about looking at the home as a system, and this is a long-term investment you shouldn?t be hasty or thrifty about. Get an?energy audit?before?you make the plunge into making any window replacement.

With that said, there are many improvements that you can make to what you already have. They require just a little effort, but can pay out big in cash savings and improved comfort.?More simple remedies can easily be found on the shelves of your local hardware store. Purchase some caulk and cellular shades (insulating blinds) to really increase efficiency. Use caulk?to seal the window frame, and then setup your cellular shades. These shades are easy to install and work by creating pockets of air to insulate windows from the cold. A?good set of shades?can double or triple a window?s performance making these a no?brainier?for winter comfort and energy savings.

TIP 7: Install a Smart Thermostat

Ok, so you got through the grunt work, now its time to put in some sexy technology to really save some energy. Programmable thermostats (or t-stats) have gotten a bad rap for being difficult to use, and the EPA has yanked their Energy Star designation as a result. However, there are new, much more intuitive?designs?out there, like the?Wi-Fi enabled Honeywell t-stat. Honeywell?s model?not only lets you control the device from your iPhone or computer, but it tells you when there are significant temperature swings coming and even when the filter needs to be changed.

Programmable thermostats?come in many varieties and price ranges, and getting one can save the average household about $180?a year if it?s used right. The idea is simple: these smart devices allow you to?optimize your home?s energy-efficiency by setting pre-programmed temperatures for different situations, seasons and times.?For example, you probably don?t want to be paying for heat during the day when you?re not even there, right? You can set your?programmable thermostat?to automatically turn down the heat during those hours and turn it up when you and your family come home to save money and energy.

For even more energy-saving products, visit Home Depot?s?EcoOptions website.

+ EcoOptions

At?The Home Depot, we pride ourselves on being?sustainability minded. To make saving energy and money even easier, we?ve launched our?EcoOptions?website dedicated to?green products?such as WaterSense? and ENERGY STAR? labeled products and wood harvested from sustainable forests.?EcoOptions?also offers helpful tips for homeowners trying to?go green?to help you every step of the way. Whatever your home improvement project, we?ve got the?organic solutions?that can help make your?home healthier?and air cleaner; and products that can help you conserve water, be more?energy efficient?and save money.

Source: http://inhabitat.com/7-winter-home-improvement-tips-to-save-you-money-and-energy-in-the-cold-season/

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This is the house that George built (Unqualified Offerings)

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বুধবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Audit: US oversight of charter school funds lax

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? An audit of the U.S. Department of Education's division overseeing hundreds of millions of dollars in charter school funding has criticized the office for failing to properly monitor how states spend the money.

The report released in late September by the department's Office of the Inspector General also singled out state education departments in California, Florida and Arizona for lax monitoring of what charter schools do with the funds and whether their expenditures comply with federal regulations.

The education department's Office of Innovation and Improvement spent $940 million from 2008 to 2011 on charter schools, which are autonomously operated public schools. Most of the money is funneled through state education departments, although some is given directly to charter schools.

The funds are administered through competitive grants aimed at helping launch new charters and replicate successful charter models.

The inspector general said the innovation office has not given proper guidance to states on monitoring the use of the money and does not have policies to ensure that states corrected deficiencies when they were found.

Additionally, the audit, which was conducted by San Francisco-based education research company WestEd, found that the office did not review expenditures to ensure they met with federal disbursement requirements.

The office has agreed to beef up its procedures to track federal funds and ensure states are adequately overseeing charter schools, the report said.

WestEd also examined state charter oversight policies in California, Arizona and Florida, which collectively received $275 million in federal funds for charter schools from 2008 to 2011.

Among the findings:

? In California, which has received nearly $182 million in federal charter grants from 2008 to 2011, auditors found "significant weaknesses" in charter oversight, such as school reviewers being unqualified to conduct on-site school visits. One reviewer felt "awkward" conducting site visits because of a lack of knowledge and experience, the report said.

? In Florida, state officials had no records of which schools received federal grant money nor which schools received on-site monitoring and audits. Florida received $67.6 million.

? In Arizona, which received about $26 million, reviewers lacked a monitoring checklist and thus collected inconsistent data when they visited schools.

The office has agreed to beef up its procedures to track federal funds and ensure states are adequately monitoring charter schools.

California Department of Education spokeswoman Tina Jung said officials in Sacramento had just received the report and were reviewing it, but she acknowledged that the department had been aware of oversight deficiencies.

"Even before this review, we recognized the need to build our monitoring capacity, and that effort has already begun," she said.


Contact the reporter at http://twitter.com/ChristinaHoag .

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/audit-us-oversight-charter-school-funds-lax-191134813.html

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Mourdock: God at work when rape leads to pregnancy

Candidates for Indiana's U.S. Senate seat Democrat Joe Donnelly, left, Libertarian Andrew Horning, center, and Republican Richard Mourdock participate in a debate in New Albany, Ind., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Candidates for Indiana's U.S. Senate seat Democrat Joe Donnelly, left, Libertarian Andrew Horning, center, and Republican Richard Mourdock participate in a debate in New Albany, Ind., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Candidates for Indiana's U.S. Senate seat Libertarian Andrew Horning, left, Democrat Joe Donnelly, center, and Republican Richard Mourdock greet one and other following a debate in New Albany, Ind., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Candidates for Indiana's U.S. Senate seat Democrat Joe Donnelly, left, Libertarian Andrew Horning, center, and Republican Richard Mourdock participate in a debate in New Albany, Ind., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Candidates for Indiana's U.S. Senate seat Democrat Joe Donnelly, left, Libertarian Andrew Horning, center, and Republican Richard Mourdock participate in a debate in New Albany, Ind., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Candidates for Indiana's U.S. Senate seat Democrat Joe Donnelly, left, Libertarian Andrew Horning, center, and Republican Richard Mourdock participate in a debate in New Albany, Ind., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

NEW ALBANY, Ind. (AP) ? Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said Tuesday when a woman is impregnated during a rape, "it's something God intended."

Mourdock was asked during the final minutes of a debate whether abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest.

He replied: "I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that's something God intended to happen."

Mourdock and Democratic challenger Joe Donnelly have been in a tight race since Mourdock unseated veteran U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar in May's Republican primary. Mourdock's comments come two months after embattled GOP Missouri Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin said during a television interview that women's bodies have ways of preventing pregnancy in cases of what he called "legitimate rape."

In response to Mourdock's comment, Donnelly said after the debate that he doesn't believe "my God, or any God, would intend that to happen."

Mourdock explained after the debate he did not believe God intended the rape, but that God is the only one who can create life.

"Are you trying to suggest somehow that God preordained rape, no I don't think that," Mourdock said. "Anyone who would suggest that is just sick and twisted. No, that's not even close to what I said."

It was not clear what affect, if any, the comment might have on Mourdock's campaign in the final two weeks before the Nov. 6 election. Akin has repeatedly apologized but has refused to leave his state's U.S. Senate race despite calls to do so by leaders of his own party, from GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on down.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-10-23-Indiana%20Senate-Debate/id-006eb0da318848d18f2049a4f565f537

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Balloon Juice ? Blog Archive ? The NRA's Handy Legal Guide on ...

By John Cole October 23rd, 2012

Way to go, gun nuts:

The last mistake Dan Fredenberg made was getting killed in another man?s garage.

It was Sept. 22, and Mr. Fredenberg, 40, was upset. He strode up the driveway of a quiet subdivision here to confront Brice Harper, a 24-year-old romantically involved with Mr. Fredenberg?s young wife. But as he walked through Mr. Harper?s open garage door, Mr. Fredenberg was doing more than stepping uninvited onto someone else?s property. He was unwittingly walking onto a legal landscape reshaped by laws that have given homeowners new leeway to use force inside their own homes.

Proponents say the laws strengthen people?s right to defend their homes. To others, they are a license to kill.

That night, in a doorway at the back of his garage, Mr. Harper aimed a gun at the unarmed Mr. Fredenberg, fired and struck him three times. Mr. Fredenberg crumpled to the garage floor, a few feet from Mr. Harper. He was dead before morning.

Had Mr. Fredenberg been shot on the street or sidewalk, the legal outcome might have been different. But on Oct. 9, the Flathead County attorney decided not to prosecute, saying that Montana?s ?castle doctrine? law, which maintains that a man?s home is his castle, protected Mr. Harper?s rights to vigorously defend himself there. The county attorney determined that Mr. Harper had the right to fetch his gun from his bedroom, confront Mr. Fredenberg in the garage and, fearing for his safety, shoot him.

?Given his reasonable belief that he was about to be assaulted, Brice?s use of deadly force against Dan was justified? under current Montana law, Ed Corrigan, the county attorney, wrote in a four-page letter explaining his decision to the Kalispell police.

I mean, after all, when you are sleeping with another man?s wife, you have the right to kill him when he confronts you unarmed. Because America Fuck Yeah. Also too, Ten Commandments.

Source: http://www.balloon-juice.com/2012/10/23/the-nras-handy-legal-guide-on-how-to-screw-your-neighbors-wife-and-then-kill-him-should-he-confront-you/

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US government agency drops BlackBerry in favor of iPhone

Over 17,600 users in U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) are being moved from their BlackBerry devices to Apple's iPhone, after it was found that technology from Research In Motion cannot meet the mobile technology needs of the agency, according to contract documents.

The contract for iPhone smartphones and services which was awarded on Sept. 28 was made public last week.

Apple's strict control of the hardware platform and operating system, independent of the telecommunication service provider, provides ICE, the principal investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security, with the greatest degree of control and management to ensure reliable services to its mission users, according to the document for justification of the award.

RIM's BlackBerry phones have been favored by law enforcement agencies around the world because of the high-level of security they provided, which makes the ICE decision significant.

ICE relied on RIM's technology for over eight years as the standard for handheld devices that provide telephone, email, messaging, calendaring and to a limited extent mobile applications. The standardization has allowed ICE to efficiently maintain operational capabilities, train end-users, and manage security, according to the document.

RIM ranked far lower than Android and Apple devices on commercial viability. RIM and Nokia's Symbian helped to define the smartphone market, but both companies failed to innovate, and consumers have rejected them, according to the document. The net effect is that both firms have been relegated to laggards in the consumer market which has made them too risky for adoption as a "go-to" choice for enterprise use, it added.

Microsoft phones including the Phone 7 were likewise identified as risky because of their limited use in the market. Operating systems such as Linux, Bada, Symbian, Palm, and Windows were eliminated from further evaluation, while RIM's platform was kept for further evaluation because of its status as a legacy product in ICE.

RIM and Google could not be immediately reached for comment.

Devices running the Android operating system were also considered. While Apple and RIM were said to have direct control over the devices that implement their operating systems and have measures to detect and disable attempts to modify the operating system, Google in contrast provides the operating system as open-source across various manufacturers and implementations that can modify elements of the operating system to accommodate new features. " What is a strength for Google, is a risk for ICE," according to the document.

Source: http://www.itworld.com/government/306010/us-government-agency-drops-blackberry-favor-iphone

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Amazon, eBay Called Out for UK Tax Practices

British media outlets have pounced on Amazon and eBay for how much the companies pay -- or don't pay -- in UK taxes. Amazon reportedly forces British publishers to cover a 20 percent VAT -- value added tax -- charge on ebook sales. This is seen as problematic because Amazon's European headquarters is in the tiny nation of Luxemburg, which charges the company just a 3 percent VAT.

Source: http://ectnews.com.feedsportal.com/c/34520/f/632000/s/24c064e9/l/0L0Stechnewsworld0N0Crsstory0C764470Bhtml/story01.htm

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সোমবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

SKorean activists banned from flying leaflets


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  • The main components of AVG Internet Security 2013:
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Source: http://captrichardrodriguez.blogspot.com/2012/10/avg-internet-security-201302741-final.html

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  • Host John Martin interviews the nation's leading entrepreneurs and small biz experts to educate small business owners on how to be successful. Past guests have included Emeril Lagasse and Guy Kawasaki.

  • The Movie Geeks share their passion for the art through interviews with the stars of and creative minds behind your favorite flicks and pay tribute to big-screen legends. From James Cameron and Francis Ford Coppola to Ellen Burstyn and Robert Duvall, The Geeks have got'em all.

  • Sylvia Global presents global conversations pertaining to women, wealth, business, faith and philanthropy. Sylvia has interviewed an eclectic mix from CEOs and musicians to fashion designers and philanthropists including Randolph Duke and Ne-Yo.

  • Seasoned entertainment reporter Robin Milling gets up close and personal with the world's most compelling celebs. From Michael Douglas to Katie Holmes to Kevin Kline to Ashley Judd to America Ferrera, she sits down in person each week with each and every A-lister.

  • Mr. Media host Bob Andelman goes one-on-one with the hottest, most influential minds from the worlds of film, TV, music, comedy, journalism and literature. That means A-listers like Kirk Douglas, Christian Slater, Kathy Ireland, Rick Fox, Chris Hansen and Jackie Collins.

  • Paula Begoun, best-selling author of Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me, separates fact from fiction on achieving a radiant, youthful complexion at any age. She?s regularly joined by health and beauty experts who offer the latest on keeping your skin in tip-top shape.

  • Source: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/tri-communications/2012/10/22/red-letter-edition--weekdays

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    Screenwriter ? Ben Affleck escapes and other notes from the LFF

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    Ben Affleck?s Argo has just screened at the BFI London Film Festival to much deserved acclaim. Speaking with the benefit of hindsight, we can now claim that we saw Ben?s renaissance coming for years. Following the success of Good Will Hunting, Ben struggled to retain respect as an actor. He was too often cast as boring man on the left. A slight tendency towards teakiness didn?t help elevate his performances. But hang on. Do not forget that he and Matt Damon won their Oscars not for appearing in Good Will Hunting, but for writing it. Maybe his talents lay behind the camera.

    So, it has transpired. Gone Baby Gone was a first-class melodrama. The Town worked well for most of its duration. Now, we get what is easily the best film of his directorial career. Argo is based on a story that must of us should know, but few of us do. When I discussed the picture with John Goodman last week, he admitted that, before the script landed on his mat, he had heard nothing about it. Following the storming of the American Embassy in Tehran in 1979, six employees managed to escape and make their way to the protection of their Canadian counterparts. The CIA hatched a seemingly absurd plan to secure their escape. ?This is the best bad plan we have by far,? Bryan Cranston?s big wig says in the picture. Tony Mendez (Affleck), one of the Company?s top men, would enter Iran, posing as producer of a science fiction film, and fly the six out in the guise of other crew members.

    There are problems with the picture. Some of the suspense is contrived. Chris Terrio?s script saddles Affleck (dubiously cast as a character with Latin origins) with a personal subplot that is wholly unnecessary and somewhat cheesy. Forget that. This is among the most robustly exciting, furiously propulsive films released this (or any other) year. The period detail is nicely carried off. The stock has an authentic, blotchy verit? look. The supporting performances are all super. If the story weren?t true (excuse the clich?) nobody would dare to make it up. Don?t miss Argo when it opens here next month. Affleck is a top-flight story teller. We will never doubt him again.

    Also screening ? among other films not mentioned here before ? were Dustin Hoffman?s Quartet and Ben Lewin?s The Sessions. Hoffman, who had never directed before, told me that his new job was such hard work he?d never do it again. Well, he must have enjoyed the company. A story of retired ?classical musicians, Quartet stars such crinkly greats as Maggie Smith, Tom Courtenay, Michael Gambon and Pauline Collins. The grey pound is itching in its grey pocket.

    The Sessions deliberately induces squirms with its tale of a disabled poet who hires a sex surrogate to assist him in ending his virginity. The picture, a hit at Sundance, yells the word ?Oscar? at the top of its lungs (for all that means). John Hawkes stars as Mark O?Brien, a Bay Area writer, paralysed by Polio, and Helen Hunt turns up as the therapist who must get very intimate indeed. If those two aren?t nominated then I?ll eat my head.

    For the record, the best film award (to which nobody pays very much attention) went to Jacques Audiard?s Rust and Bone. This strikes me as a weird choice. If they were going to honour a film that premiered as long ago as Cannes, both Michael Haneke?s Amour and Behn Zeitlin?s Beasts of the Southern Wild were surely better choices. It?s a tricky one for London. With so few premieres, it?s hard to work up much enthusiasm for a best film gong. With some few exceptions, Cannes, Venice and Sundance all tend to honour films that have made their debut at the respective event.??Oh well. Rust and Bone opens next week. So, you can make your own mind up then.



    Source: http://www.irishtimes.com/blogs/screenwriter/2012/10/21/ben-affleck-escapes-and-other-notes-from-the-lff/

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