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Ways To Pass The Speaking Component Of The IELTS Exam ...

Author: James Jordan | Total views: 80 Comments: 0
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IELTS speaking is a one on one interaction between the candidate and the examiner. It is made up of three parts. The three parts are namely introduction and interview, individual long turn and two way discussions. The exam will assess your fluency and coherence, vocabulary, range of grammar and accuracy and also on pronunciation.

The introduction and interview will take about forty five minutes. The examiner will be seeking to know you more. The examiner will take around four minutes to cover the individual long turn section. In this section you will be expected to prepare and give a short presentation on a given topic. Prepare to spend around five minutes in the two way discussion section. In this section, the examiner will initiate a small discussion on the subject you presented in part two. Each student would like to pass all the exams they have. If you want to pass your exam, you need to prepare adequately. The following tips will make it easy to prepare and pass your IELTS speaking exam.

The first and most important tip is to practice speaking English as much as possible. It is good to know which skills will be tested on each section so as to practice on the right skills. The importance of practicing is that it will ensure that the appropriate skills are automatic. Be bold enough to speak in English every time you have an opportunity.

Listen keenly to the question before answering. The advantage of understanding the question is that you will give appropriate answers. In an exam situation the student may find it hard to concentrate due to nervousness.

In case you don't understand the question, ask for clarification. Remember, there is no penalty for seeking clarification. The benefit of seeking clarification is that you become coherent.

One more tip is to speak English before the exam. When thinking, moving from the native language is a common problem for most people seeking to pass the IELTS speaking exam. You will be able to overcome this challenge by speaking English before you go into the exam.

Always try to use a wide range of vocabulary. By extending your answers appropriately, you will be able to use a wide range of vocabulary. Some of the ways of improving your vocabulary are, speaking English to others, listening to the radio and reading newspapers and magazine.

Maintain eye contact with the examiner but don't stare. It is important to note a large part of the interview is non verbal thus it will work in your favor to maintain eye contact with the examiner.

Answers should not be crammed. It is the easiest way to sound false and come across as someone who is making a speech. It is advisable to sound as natural as possible throughout the test.

Having time to think will work to your advantage. A trick you can use to ensure you speak immediately and have time to think while answering a question is; you can repeat or reformulate the question An example is as follows: which is your most memorable holiday destination? My most memorable holiday was when I visited Hawaii and learnt swimming.

Correct any error you make immediately as long as you are able to do it. The examiner will be able to gauge your control of the language as you correct yourself. Only correct yourself when you are sure of the correct way to go about it. The examiner will definitely take note of a mistake repeated twice.

The last tip is to avoid relaxing too much. Excessive relaxation will make your English suffer while moderate relaxation will calm your nerves. Remember you are in the interview to pass thus every effort should be made to bring up your best side of spoken English.

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Source: http://www.content4reprint.com/writing/ways-to-pass-the-speaking-component-of-the-ielts-exam.htm

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